




voir la vidéoVidéo

Use of the client FTP of COLLECTION V1.5 .4 (updating).
On the user's station in COLLECTION (shutter Tool FTP):
- Creation of a connection to a server FTP then connection to this server.

Safeguard of files on server.
On the server FTP:
- Creation of an example file for then there to download some files.
On the user's station:
selection the files then downloading in the file previously created on the server.

Import of files protected on server.
On the user's station:
- Creation of an example file to receive the files there then selection of the file source (on the server) selection of the files and import of these files on in the file of destination on the user's station.

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Presentation of the interface of COLLECTION V1.5 (updating).
Autonomous version for Photographer and creator of fashion.
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Creation of a COLLECTION then import of photos and videos in the selected collection.
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Installation and selection of one reader video as QuickTime and VLC Media Player two supplementary readers to the reader of COLLECTION.
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Presentation of the interface of COLLECTION V1.4.1 (updating).
Autonomous version for Photographer and creator of fashion.
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Presentation of the COLLECTION interface the tool of management of the collection V1.4 (Photographer and creator of fashion) et Pv9.4..).
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Creation of one year of collection then the creation of a new collection with addition of drawings and photost V1.4.. (Photographer and creator of fashion) et Pv9.4..).
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Expedition of a collection by Email, selection of one or gone of a collection, identification for a connection to the network, compression of the drawings selected then in the ZIP format expedition V1.4.. (Photographer and creator of fashion) et Pv9.4..).
voir la vidéoVidéo   Receipt of a collection by Email, then import of the drawings included in the ZIP archive V1.4.. (Photographer and creator of fashion) et Pv9.4..).
  voir la vidéoVidéo    Transfer of photos or drawings of a collection to the other and from one year to the next V1.4.. (Photographer and creator of fashion) et Pv9.4..).   




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