Setting to days and corrective


  1. V6.3 updating of Quickworkbook in free downloading (September 2017).

    New functionality:

    - Access to the list of the folders secured created with his/her/its personal MP Favors: Secret file recall created, in the case of the user's oblivion.
  2. - Access to the files (My documents, Pictures and Videos) directly in Arborescence for the display of the pictures and videos included.
    - Other…

    On all tools of QWB v6.3 Pro:
    - Addition of the function (to slip / to Put down) in all tools of Quickworkbook v6.3 Pro

    Tool of storage:

    - Selection or not of another compression tool that the tool already available in the tool of storage (Example: Winzip).
    Advantage: faster compression of the coins files or under folders.
    - Choice of the selection or not of the storage of the folders in the ZIP format in a space secured by password.
    - Creation and addition of ZIP archives already created, in an empty archive permitting the regrouping of archives.
    Example: ideal for a final ranging of archives per year or by customer.

    - Correction of minor Bug.
  3. VISUEL V3.1
    - Access to the files (My documents, Pictures and Videos) directly in Arborescence for the display of the pictures and videos included.


  1. Gain of time, facilitated of expedition and historic of the consignments done for a modification or a redirection in case of need.


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